【Basic Skincare for UV】UV White Essential Cream


UV White Essential Cream/UVホワイトエッセンシャルクリーム


UV White Essential Cream developed on the theme of an ultraviolet-rays cutoff and healthy white skin. This essntial cream softens the influence of strong ultraviolet rays, and blends the ingredient which carries out ultraviolet-rays interception, which the ingredient absorbs the ultraviolet rays. Furthermore, a natural ingredient is blended with vitamin C oil that derivatives with high safety<VCIP>. It suppresses dryness by ultraviolet rays and it will not only prevents various stress by suntan, but directs the lustrous makeup effect to skin.

The amount of contents:28g

Assumption period of service:About 1 month

The suggested Retail Price:$61(w/o sales tax)

Mfg. by:Seibi Co.,Ltd. Osaka, Japan
Manufacturing country:Made in Japan
Dist. by:Dr. Mainz Japan Natural Energy Wave


UV White Essential Cream/UVホワイトエッセンシャルクリーム
在庫状態 : 在庫有り
$61.00 $61.00